

关于澳门官方老葡京的澳门官方老葡京包括有关事件的及时公告, initiatives, and accomplishments happening across campus.



  • Ellis employees on athletic field

    Ellis Welcomes New Faculty and Staff for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

    今年秋天,澳门官方老葡京很高兴欢迎新的教职员工! 这些人为他们的角色带来了不同的经验和观点, as well as a wealth of knowledge in their respective areas, and are excited to join the Ellis community.
  • Ellis Middle School students Morgan Gales, Mina Horsley, Chloe Pennington, and Neima Shakur pose for the camera in the Middle School lounge.

    New Middle School Design Matches Energy, Enthusiasm of Students

    上周,当澳门新葡新京官方中学的学生们回到他们心爱的大楼开始上课时,迎接他们的是一片光明, 新装修的空间值得新学年带来的兴奋.
  • Courtney KRESS McGrory '93

    Six New Members Join The Ellis School's Board of Trustees

    澳门官方老葡京很高兴地欢迎六名新成员加入董事会. These individuals have strong ties to the School, and bring a range of skills and experience, as well as a depth of knowledge in their fields, that will benefit Ellis into the future.
  • Lucy FATO ’84 Named Sara Frazer Ellis Award Winner

    2024年萨拉·弗雷泽·澳门新葡新京官方奖将在聚会周末期间颁发给露西·FATO ' 84. 该奖项每年颁发给澳门新葡新京官方校友,其成就体现了学校的使命和成为澳门新葡新京官方人的意义.
  • Two to Be Inducted into Ellis Athletic Hall of Fame

    今年秋天,两名校友将被选入澳门新葡新京官方体育名人堂. Elizabeth (Liz) FAY Deegan ' 89和Sara HANEY Stroud ' 04将在10月的聚会周末期间获得荣誉.
  • The Ellis School Class of 2024 on Arbuthnot porch.

    Class of 2024 College Commitments

    澳门官方老葡京2024届的16名学生将被8个州的16所不同的机构录取. Among these institutions are an institute of technology, R1: Doctoral Universities, a university in our nation’s capital, a women’s college, a historically black university, and an array of compelling liberal arts colleges.
  • Linda Tonetti Dugan works with students in the art studio.

    Ellis Recognizes Departing Employees in 2023–2024 School Year

    As the 2023-2024 school year draws to a close, 澳门官方老葡京认可将离开澳门新葡新京官方岗位进行新冒险的教师和员工.
  • 萨拉·伍德赛德和萨里娜·普雷特给澳门新葡新京官方幼儿园的学生读书.


    澳门新葡新京官方的高年级学生萨拉·伍德赛德和萨里娜·普雷特喜欢在阿姆·斯莱奇的学前班上学. It’s where they learned to read, 他们在那里表演了无数他们想象中的冒险场景.
  • Esty HENTELEFF '23

    One Year After Ellis: Esty HENTELEFF ’23

    去年,23岁的Esty HENTELEFF从澳门新葡新京官方大学毕业,前往北卡罗来纳州立大学, 她对离开家有点紧张,但又为新获得的独立感到兴奋. She declared an Environmental Science major and intends to focus on environmental design; she’s considering landscape design among other careers. 她在澳门新葡新京官方的经历让她为大一繁重的学习计划做好了准备, 这也给了她信心,让她在未来几年的教育中思考非传统的道路. 她大学一年级就在书本上,前方的世界充满机遇, 埃斯蒂回忆起她在澳门新葡新京官方的时光和大学的第一年, 她为即将毕业的2024届澳门新葡新京官方学生分享了一些建议.
  • Ellis四年级学生在舞台上演唱低年级音乐剧.

    Six Things We Love About Spring at Ellis

    Spring is an exciting time for schools, and especially for Ellis, as we celebrate each student’s rise to the next grade level, prepare for a variety of special events in May and June, 告别我们的毕业生,因为他们踏上了他们教育的下一个令人兴奋的步骤. 以下是我们每年春天最期待的一些亮点.
  • Second Grade Teacher Harry Frazee talks about Jackie Robinson.


    “Mary McLeod Bethune!” “Susan B. Anthony!” “Rosa Parks!” “Ruth Bader Ginsburg!”

    这些只是澳门新葡新京官方二年级学生在被问及他们在“为事业而战”单元中最兴奋地了解谁时喊出的几个改变者的名字, 这是一个探索部门,重点关注历史上那些为积极变革而挺身而出、倡导他人权利的人.
  • Maya Earnest-Hawken被授予Marcie WATERMAN Love ' 56国际旅行补助金.

    Maya Earnest-Hawken获得Marcie WATERMAN Love '56国际旅行补助金

    Ellis junior Maya Earnest-Hawken isn’t yet sure where her career, or even her college experience, 我会带她去,但她知道一件事:倡导对她来说很重要, and she plans to focus on it in her future.
  • Sixth grade student make decorations for Jeremiah's Place.

    Sixth Grade Service Project Supports Jeremiah’s Place

    春假前几天,六年级的教室里充满了春天的色彩. 学生们正忙着为许多人热衷的事业制作装饰品.
  • Dr. rene<s:1> Brown-Antonelli是澳门官方老葡京的体育主管,从2024年7月1日开始.

    Reneé Brown-Antonelli announced as Ellis Athletic Director

    Dr. rene Brown-Antonelli已经接受了澳门官方老葡京体育主任的职位, effective July 1, 2024.
  • Beyond Fun and Games: Language Learning Begins Early at Ellis

    Brenda Martinez’s class might look like fun and games, 但是花足够的时间和她的低年级学生一起玩,你就会开始听到一些试探性的西班牙语单词发展成热情的西班牙语, and later into fluent conversation in a newfound second language.
  • The Student Diversity League leaders are Khyla Herbert, Zoi Sledge, Nadia Commodore, Zaitun Kirabo, and Rebekah Rapp.

    Ellis Celebrates 20 Years of Culture Jam

  • ESSA Helps Ellis Middle Schoolers Build Advocacy Skills

    You’ll hear it from fifth-grader Samantha Schiff, 以及其他许多澳门新葡新京官方中学的学生:孩子是强大的.

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